Friday Field Notes: Lipstick, Vampires, Mike Tyson and Canned Curry

Hello Friday!  In case the week of June 16th is already a distant memory, here’s what happened on the beauty, anti-aging and fun front:

In the land of beauty…

  • Are you a victim of the Lipstick Effect?  I haven’t dug into the full 17 page analysis yet, but the headlines suggest we wear make-up to amp it up for wealthy men as a way of survival during times of economic downturn.  No, this paper wasn’t from olden times it was published just last month.  For reals.

  • And now we learn spray tans can cause cancer too?  Seems the active ingredient, DHA might be the cause.  Looks like I’ll doomed to be the color of larvae forever (and clearly will not have enough beauty to survive the Great Recession).
  • At least there’s the Vampire Facelift.  Yes mam, the claim is that your own blood is the best filler in the world.  That and you get to indulge in a little Twilight fan moment of your very own.  I want to be grossed out, but when you break down the science, it actually may be superior.  To be continued….

Ok the, lets escape to the land of the famous and fabulous….

  • Canned Curry.  As in Ann Curry is getting fired from the Today Show.  Apparently she wasn’t pulling the ratings as co-anchor, which is a real bummer after 15 years being the antidote to Matt’s sterile coldness and Katie Couric’s cloying cheeriness (I stopped watching during the Meredith Viera years).  I always liked her.  We were in line together at Fairway once and I’ll never forget how kind she was to this starstruck little old lady who couldn’t believe she was “in line with Ann Curry”.   Ann, I hope you land well, you deserve better.

And back to reality…I can’t wait to see Brave this weekend.  It’s gotten good reviews, I can take my son (he doesn’t know its chick flick) and finally hope Hollywood gets the whole modern fairy tale heroine thing right.   Besides, what a great word, “brave”.

Have a great weekend.